Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This Old Gingerbread House

Aidan's and Conner's classes put on a musical production called "This Old Gingerbread House". It was Hansel and Gretel meets Bob Villa's "This Old House". Each class gave a separate performance. Luckily for those of us that had to sit through it twice it was pretty short and very, very sweet.
Aidan as Hansel. He had a four lines and a little dance routine with his Gretel...
Conner as a bird. He definitely stood out among the other woodland creatures. He had three lines and was one of a quartet for one song...

Here you can see Aidan's whole costume. I cheated and got it on-line. For Conner's bird we used things we had in the costume box. We did buy the mask and I made the beak. You can also see in the corner of the gingerbread house in the following picture. The boys helped me make candy for decoration...

It really was very cute. Lots of tears in the parent's eyes.

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